
Election Spotlight: Idaho’s 1st Congressional District

Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho) announced his run for re-election in March for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District.

Fulcher has held the seat since 2018. He was re-elected to his latest term in 2022 by winning a three-way general election 71% to 26%, with a third-party candidate garnering 2%.

Fulcher said in a statement announcing his re-election bid, in part:

You and I are still in this fight together! Friends, I am honored to share with you today that I have officially filed to run for re-election in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District! 

Knowing that folks like you are in my corner provides me with strength, conviction, and the fierce resolve needed to fight for what we believe in. Friends, I will not let you down! Not now, not ever!


This November, four candidates will be on the general election ballot as Fulcher faces three opponents for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District.

The four candidates are:

Republican: Russ Fulcher – Website
Democrat: Kaylee Peterson – Website
Libertarian: Matt Loesby – Website
Constitution: Brendan Gomez – Website (Link for X handle. No campaign website could be located.)

The D.C. Beat contacted all candidates and asked them the exact same questions. While we do NOT edit candidates’ answers, we asked them to try to keep their answers to 100 words or less.

The four questions we asked were:

  1. What is the biggest issue facing your District, and what do you propose as a solution to the problem?
  2. Do you believe there is a problem at the southern border, and if so, how do you propose fixing it?
  3. Do you believe the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade was a good or bad opinion by the court?
  4. What forms of gun control, if any, do you believe Congress should pass? Briefly explain why or why not.

Responses are shown in the order in which we received them from the candidates.

Russ Fulcher’s responses (Republican Party Candidate)

Question 1: What is the biggest issue facing your District, and what do you propose as a solution to the problem?

“Inflation. From gas and grocery prices to interests rates, it costs too much to live, and excess government spending is the cause. The solution is three-fold:

  1. Reduce Spending: Opportunities include reducing foreign aid, entitlements to non-citizens, and return unemployment benefits to pre-COVID levels.
  2. Increase energy production: Energy is the hub of our economy, and if we bolster domestic production to once again become a net energy exporter, economic growth (and international leverage) will follow.
  3. Reduce income and corporate taxes: Individuals and companies will reinvest those dollars into the economy (wiser than government does), resulting in economic growth.”

Question 2: Do you believe there is a problem at the southern border, and if so, how do you propose fixing it?

“The open southern border is an American catastrophe. It is resulting in untold fiscal costs to the American taxpayer (via entitlements), homeland security threats (via potential hostile entries), and human suffering (via drug imports and human trafficking).

The solution is simple: Secure the border: Complete the wall, end catch and release, reinsert the remain in Mexico program, and enforce the immigration laws already on the books.”

Question 3: Do you believe the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade was a good or bad opinion by the

“Good. It returns decisions to the state level, closer to the people.”

Question 4: What forms of gun control, if any, do you believe Congress should pass? Briefly explain why or why not.

I don’t support gun control. The right to bear arms empowers American freedom and independence. There is no society in history whereby the people have been the long-term beneficiary of policy that has removed their ability to defend themselves. Gun control empowers government and takes control away from the people.”

Note: Fulcher’s responses were received on 6/18/2024 at 5:41 p.m. M.T.

Matt Loesby’s Responses (Libertarian Candidate)

Question 1: What is the biggest issue facing your District, and what do you propose as a solution to the problem?

“The biggest problem that a Representative is able to help solve is the Federal Government’s continued overreach in the daily lives of ordinary people through taxation, subsidy, inflation, and regulation.

The ultimate solution is for sheriffs, mayors, and city councils, and county commissions to nullify and refuse to enforce unjust Federal laws, and for Representatives in Congress to defund as much of the Federal Government as we can get our hands on.”

Question 2: Do you believe there is a problem at the southern border, and if so, how do you propose fixing it?

“There is a massive problem at the southern border: the US Federal Government refuses to enforce the border. National Guard troops from each of the border states should be stationed on the border, with orders to use reasonable force to prevent any unauthorized person from crossing the border into America.

We should also change our immigration system to a Sponsorship system, whereby American landowning citizens can invite any foreign person into the country, and by their invitation take financial responsibility for any debts, government service expenses, or crimes caused by the invitee.”

Question 3: Do you believe the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade was a good or bad opinion by the

“The decision in Dobbs v. Jackson was legally and morally correct. Neither the courts nor the federal government have any jurisdiction over matters of homicide. Since abortion is an act of homicide, any laws related to it belong at the state or local level.”

Question 4: What forms of gun control, if any, do you believe Congress should pass? Briefly explain why or why not.

“Not only should Congress never pass another iota of gun control, it must repeal the National Firearms Act of 1934, and all other legislation that bans, restricts, or regulates the trade, production, or possession of weaponry. You have a natural right to own and maintain a nuclear-tipped Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, as long as you can afford it. Just don’t deploy it against any innocent people.”

Note: Loesby’s responses were received on 6/19/2024 at 1:38 p.m. M.T.

Peterson and Gomez have not returned their answers. If answers are returned, they will appear in the order they were received by The D.C. Beat.

The policy of The D.C. Beat is to post “Election Spotlight” articles even if only one candidate has responded, no matter who the candidate is that returned the answers. Our intention is to never show favorites to any candidate or party.

The 2024 election will take place on November 5th, 2024.

One reply on “Election Spotlight: Idaho’s 1st Congressional District”

Mr. Loesby, your answers were intriguing until I read your thought on changing the immigration policy to one whereby each American land owning citizen should be allowed to “sponsor any foreign person” into the country…this is lunacy, sir.
Do you actually believe that every American land owning citizen has the integrity and patriotism to have that right/privilege? SMH…

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