
Does Sen. Britt’s Bill Create a Registry of Pregnant Women like a National Gun Registry?

Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) has introduced the “More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed” Act, or MOMS Act, which critics say is like a national gun registry but for pregnant women.

The legislation, which does not yet have a bill number, would do the following, in part, according to a press release sent out by Britt and other co-sponsors of the legislation:

“Establish – a federal clearinghouse of resources available to expecting and postpartum moms, as well as those with young children.”


The component of the website quote above is one of four parts of the proposed site. The second part deals with information that would be entered by a user, including their zip code.

That portion of the bill states,

“A series of questions through which a user is able to generate a list of relevant resources of interest within the user’s zip code.”


The specific questions are not listed in the legislation. The individual’s zip code would be entered, and users would have the option of determining if they want to see resources within 1, 5, 10, 50, or 100 miles away (the third component of the legislation is the distance factor) from their zip code. However, “a series of questions” is not defined in the legislation.

According to the text of the bill, the fourth component of the website will also have a mechanism for individuals to submit their contact information and other information through an assessment. The subsection reads:

“A mechanism for users to take an assessment through the website and provide consent to use the user’s contact information, which the Secretary may use to conduct outreach via phone or email to follow up with users on additional resources that would be helpful for the users to review.”


Britt was accused of wanting to create a national database of pregnant women through the MOMS Act. Some of the individuals who attacked the legislation compared it to a national gun registry.

Shannon Watts, the founder of the gun control group Moms Demand Action, posted on X:

“Katie Britt: Introduced a bill to create a federal database of pregnant women.

Also Katie Britt: Opposes federal database of gun owners.”


Democrat National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison shared Watts’s post.

Harrison added,

“So she creates a database of pregnant women so Trump then knows who to prosecute if any of those women get an abortion.

Yet another example of why this election is fundamental to protecting your liberty & freedoms!”


A pro-life organization and supporter of the legislation called SBA Pro-Life America responded to Harrison, saying,

These claims are intentionally false and dangerous.

Pro-life laws across the board shield women from prosecutions. Moreover – read the bill, it provides a database of help for women, not a database of women. Women’s privacy is expressly protected. These claims are nothing but a cynical attempt to distract from the Democrats obsession with abortion and relentless attacks on charities that help women. While Biden created a website to promote the brutality of abortion,

@SenKatieBritt offers a more hopeful approach that offers real support for moms and their babies.”


Based on what you have read from this article or the text of the legislation, do you believe the bill will create a national registry of pregnant women?

Let us know in the comments below.

One reply on “Does Sen. Britt’s Bill Create a Registry of Pregnant Women like a National Gun Registry?”

Another federal intrusion into individuals’ lives. Another unregulated agency created to swell the government payroll.
Of course it will create a registry. The deep state [that managerial bureaucracy that has ballooned out of control and is not responsible to the electorate] wants nothing more than to gather information. Nothing good ever comes from government intervention.

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