
Trump Wins Haley’s Home State of South Carolina

Donald Trump won the South Carolina Primary over Nikki Haley, who used to be the Governor there from 2011 t0 2017.

With 90% of the vote counted, Trump was leading Haley with 59.8% of the vote to Haley’s 39.5%. All other candidates came in with a total of less than 1%.

Trump won with more votes (451,000) than any candidate has ever received in a primary race in South Carolina from either major political party.

Trump spent most of his speech attacking President Joe Biden for the border crisis. Trump also thanked his supporters in South Carolina and dignitaries who supported his campaign.

Haley vowed to stay in the race and told supporters that she had promised to stay in, no matter what happened in South Carolina.

Next up in the election cycle is the Michigan Primary on February 27, followed by the Idaho and Missouri Presidential Caucuses on March 2.

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